Let me add to my prior comment. I think perhaps Mother's Day in the US was established in 1908 or thereabouts because women barely received notice much less a thank you. Father's Day was formally proposed in Congress In the same year but it was defeated because men were already getting enough attention. But after Mother's Day was passed and signed into law then the next year Father's Day won (1909) because now Father's were not getting the recognition deserved. LOL!!! By 2024 however, we understood, however dimly, that women die in battle just like their brothers while the brothers raise the kids just like the moms. I suppose it evens out now.
Let me add to my prior comment. I think perhaps Mother's Day in the US was established in 1908 or thereabouts because women barely received notice much less a thank you. Father's Day was formally proposed in Congress In the same year but it was defeated because men were already getting enough attention. But after Mother's Day was passed and signed into law then the next year Father's Day won (1909) because now Father's were not getting the recognition deserved. LOL!!! By 2024 however, we understood, however dimly, that women die in battle just like their brothers while the brothers raise the kids just like the moms. I suppose it evens out now.
Happy Mother's Day to you, too, David. (lol)