Eternity is one time, its only dimension being “always.” This cannot mean anything to you until you remember God’s open Arms, and finally know His open Mind. Like Him, you are “always"; in His Mind and with a mind like His. In your open mind are your creations, in perfect communication born of perfect understanding. Could you but accept one of them you would not want anything the world has to offer. Everything else would be totally meaningless. God’s meaning is incomplete without you, and you are incomplete without your creations. Accept your brother in this world and accept nothing else, for in him you will find your creations because he created them with you. You will never know that you are co-creator with God until you learn that your brother is co-creator with you. T-9.VI.7: 1-9
A Course in Miracles (pp. 329-330). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition.
One for all and all for one forever is one way of summarizing the above passage.
In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the love for the interdependent web of existence of which we all are a part.
Today it is suggested that we consider that the world is bigger than any one of us and can be described as the “eternal now.”