This is the first of many, many planned posts on spiritual intelligence. Please join us in our spiritual intelligence discussion group. You can sign up here.
Socrates said that an unexamined life is not worth living. How many people do you know that live examined lives? Are you one of them?
What makes you tick? Do you understand why you think what you think, why you feel what you feel, why you do what you do, why you want what you want?
To what extent do you think you can influence the creation of your life or are victimized by it?
The first skill in spiritual intelligence is thinking about what you think. In spiritual practice this is called “contemplation.” Contemplation is thinking about what you think and understanding what you think about what you think. This skill of contemplation is also sometimes called “meta-cognition”. Another term is “mindfulness”.
On a scale of Low, Medium, High how would you rate your level of self understanding?
To what extent do you understand what makes you tick?
To what extent can you explain the factors that make you tick to a nonjudgmental person?