Spiral dynamics will help restore your sanity.
Today's headlines are just revealing the symptoms – not the cause.
We each have many ways of seeing things – lenses that color our perception of the world. We don't all think alike. We don't all have the same values. We don't all see the world through the same lens. That is what makes the twenty-first century so complex and dangerous.
We now have more than six billion humans with different world views connected by migration, air travel and the internet into one intermingled whole. Most of us are convinced that our view is right, our values are right. We are pushing and shoving and growling and threatening and carrying banners that say, “My way or no way.” Some of us are even killing each other.
Beck, Don Edward; Hebo Larsen, Teddy; Solonin, Sergey; Viljoen, Rica; Johns, Thomas Q.. Spiral Dynamics in Action: Humanity's Master Code (p. xvii). Wiley. Kindle Edition.
I struggle to make sense out of all the bullshit. The bullshit is constant in our post truth world where we all deal in "alternative facts" as Kellyanne Conway, Trump's spokesperson told the media, meaning that there is no truth. She was asked by a reporter if "alternative facts" are lies and she bullshat her way out of that saying that "alternative facts" is just a difference in perspective. She might have said that there is no truth, no accuracy, no validity, no reliability, any line of bullshit is okay because as the ex President said about the White Supremacist rally at Charlottesville, "There are good people on both sides."
Harry Frankfurt the philosophy professor who wrote the now classic book "On Bullshit" back in 2005 defined bullshit as different from lying because liars care about what the truth is while bullshitters have no regard for any truth at all.
So now that we are living in the age of bullshit with no moral compass, no "guard rails" as the pundits like to call them, how is one to orient themselves in the sea of narcissistic nihilism? Spiral Dynamics provides us with a map to guide us through this treacherous terrain of incoherence.
I encourage my readers to get a copy of the book Spiral Dynamics In Action: Humanity's Master Code by Don Beck and others and study this model with me. It will restore you to sanity.