A therapist does not heal; he lets healing be. He can point to darkness but he cannot bring light of himself, for light is not of him. Yet, being for him, it must also be for his patient. The Holy Spirit is the only Therapist. He makes healing clear in any situation in which He is the Guide. You can only let Him fulfill His function. He needs no help for this. He will tell you exactly what to do to help anyone He sends to you for help, and will speak to him through you if you do not interfere. T-9.V.8:1-8
A Course in Miracles (pp. 326-327). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition.
As teachers of God we are conduits and extenders. God’s unconditional love passes through us to others. In order for this to occur we must be aware of it ourselves. We can’t share what we are not aware that we already have.
In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person which arises from the unconditional love of their Transcendent Source.
Today it is suggested that we recognize, acknowledge, and accept God’s unconditional love for us and pay it forward.