The metaphysical thought system presented by A Course In Miracles is foreign to the usual thought systems into which human beings are born and then socialized, and conditioned.
We are socialized to think ourselves as separate from others with our primary reference point being our physical body. As we mature we become less identified with our physical body and come to realize that our witness is the primary source of consciousness. The witness is that part of ourselves that can observe our cognitive, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual functioning.
At more advanced levels of consciousness we become aware that our individual self is part of something much greater and awesome than our separate body. Awareness of the non dual Oneness, at first, is fleeting and rare. As we pay attention to this experience, our awareness expands and becomes present for extended periods of time.
When the non dual Oneness is experienced, the drop of the ocean rejoins the ocean and realizes that all the drops are just part of the same thing. The drop, thinking it is separate and self sufficient, is deluded and is experiencing an illusion forgetting from whence it came and to which it is destined to return.
This awareness of the non dual Oneness brings peace and dispels guilt and fear born from the separation.
The practice of re-membering is fundamental to advancement in spiritual intelligence as one realizes one’s essential nature.
Today, re-member that of which you are a part and experience the peace of being One with the All.
Do you know other people who might be interested in learning about this revolutionary thought system? We are all in this thing called “life” together but we forget this fact, thinking we are separate individuals each with his/her own interests. This divisiveness contributes, at both a conscious and unconscious level, feelings of fear and guilt. Our experience of life changes when we change our thought system. Remind yourself and others who we are and where we ultimately belong.