God is more than you only because He created you, but not even this would He keep from you. Therefore you can create as He did, and your dissociation will not alter this. Neither God’s light nor yours is dimmed because you do not see. Because the Sonship must create as one, you remember creation whenever you recognize part of creation. Each part you remember adds to your wholeness because each part is whole. Wholeness is indivisible, but you cannot learn of your wholeness until you see it everywhere. You can know yourself only as God knows His Son, for knowledge is shared with God. When you awake in Him you will know your magnitude by accepting His limitlessness as yours. But meanwhile you will judge it as you judge your brother’s, and will accept it as you accept his. T-9.VI.4:1-9
A Course in Miracles (pp. 328-329). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition.
The Buddhist monk said to the hot dog vendor “Make me one with everything.” and we laugh, but supposing this scene and request is not seen as a joke, but a serious request? Could the hot dog vendor actually help the monk to become one with everything? The answer to this question in today’s passage is “Yes!” The hot dog vendor and the monk are already one with everything, they just don’t realize it. And this Oneness is what we are.
In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person and this inherent worth and dignity comes from our Oneness with each other and with God.
Today it is suggested that we meditate, let go of all our ego thoughts, and become one with everything.