Bandy X Lee is not only a forensic psychiatrist but also has a degree in public health. She uses a public health framework often in her writing and speaking. She calls Trumpism a "contagion" that is infecting the body politic of the US which is toxic and can be managed with public health strategies. What do you think of this frame?
It would seem to me using a public health framework that the first thing that needs to be done is to identify the pathogens which have been released into the population. The next thing would be to protect people in the population from contracting the pathogen. The next thing would be to find a vaccination to bolster immunity. The next thing would be to develop treatment strategies to restore those who have been infected to health.
There are certain thoughts, memes, that have been injected and spread in the population such as:
"I am your retribution."
"When you're a celebrity they let you do it - kiss them and grab them by the pussy"
"I, alone, can save you."
"They're eating the cats. They're eating the dogs."
"I will be a dictator on day one."
As mental health professionals we are trained to assess and treat grandiose and delusional thinking. The concept of narcissistic anti-social personality disorder is well known in our professions. How do we contain this kind of psychopathology to protect those around the person exhibiting this behavior from being harmed?