After the years of Trumpism people are weary of polarized politics. There is a new vision arising that moves the American people beyond right and left to a transcendent synthesis of “us” instead of “me and you.”
We are moving beyond the zero sum game of “one or the other.” The new game is “both and”. Ken Wilber teaches that it only takes 10% of the population to generate a cultural shift, and things are shifting to the transcendent politics that McIntosh envisions.
This cultural shift will grow with the enhancement of spiritual intelligence of the population which involves Cindy Wigglesworth’s model of 21 skills of spiritual intelligence of which the 6th, Awareness of the interconnectness of life, and the 7th, Awareness of Worldviews of Others or the most relevant for this shift to political transcendence.
As Rodney King said when the police were beating him, “Can’t we all just get along” and John Lennon composed and sang his great song, Imagine, we are encouraged to raise our consciousness to a new level of inclusiveness creating a better world for not just some, but for all.