All magic is an attempt at reconciling the irreconcilable. All religion is the recognition that the irreconcilable cannot be reconciled. Sickness and perfection are irreconcilable. If God created you perfect, you are perfect. If you believe you can be sick, you have placed other gods before Him. God is not at war with the god of sickness you made, but you are. He is the symbol of deciding against God, and you are afraid of him because he cannot be reconciled with God’s Will. If you attack him, you will make him real to you. But if you refuse to worship him in whatever form he may appear to you, and wherever you think you see him, he will disappear into the nothingness out of which he was made. T-10.IV.1:1-9
Schucman, Dr. Helen. A Course in Miracles (pp. 345-346). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition.
Bullshit is not lying but rather not caring about the truth and just saying things to impress and manipulate other people with no regard for the truth whatsoever. Magic is what the Course calls bullshit. Bull shit and the truth are irreconcilable and religion, spirituality, realizes that a person can’t have both. You can believe the bullshit or believe the truth. My friend, Jim, told me “You can’t bullshit a bullshitter.” We both laughed but he was wrong. A bullshitter can bullshit a bullshitter. It also is called “the blind leading the blind.” And once the bullshit has all been produced, and spread, and deteriorates , what is left? The Truth.
In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. However, even given this principle, there is a tremendous amount of bullshit in UU. The problem that UUs have is that they have no way of discerning the Truth from the bullshit. There is no one text or synod of authority to appeal to. UUs believe that each congregation on its own can discern bullshit from Truth and so each congregation does its own thing which has led to disastrous results similar to the biblical story of the Tower of Babel.