One of the first steps taken when autocracies take over a government is to shut down the functioning of the major governmental institutions which provide the infrastructure for a democratic society. We are seeing this happen at NIH, NIJ, and other Federal governmental agencies that Americans depend on to create and maintain the highest quality of life possible. These agencies are being crippled and dismantled so that the autocrats can seize control from the experts and professionals. These actions are a major set back for the positive evolution of American society and the world.
What can you do?
Support social institutions at the state and local level. Cast your votes wisely for candidates who promote constructive social policies. Educate yourself about the social systems we all rely on to validate and reinforce the components that contribute to their well being and effectiveness. Engage in mutual aid activities in your local communities.
More specifically, how well is the criminal justice system operating in the jurisdiction in which you live? Where there are problems address them. Where there are strengths and good work being done, support it with your time, talent, and treasure.
Where there is good work being done at the state and local level leave the information in the comments.
Thank you.