Be mindful of what you want to learn.
A Course In Miracles teaches a curriculum that we all must learn sooner or later which is about the unconditional love of God. There are many ways to learn this; ACIM is only one. There are many roads to Rome and many ways to skin the cat. Having investigated many paths to learning the unconditional love of God, ACIM, for me, seems to be the best supplemented by others.
The Course teaches that we learn what we teach and we teach what we want to learn. Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, and probably not due to the conditioning of the world of the ego, we are teaching all the time by demonstrating who we think we are to ourselves and to others. We also are constantly teaching others what they are to us.
The Course teaches that life, at its ultimate basis, is very simple: do we teach the thought system based on unconditional love or conditional love? It is important to remember that we learn about the thought system we teach. Be mindful of what you want to learn.
This commentary is based on The Manual For Teachers.Introduction. Paragraphs 1 and 2.
Questions for reflection and possibly discussion:
What do you think about the idea that sooner or later all human beings have to learn about unconditional love?
What paths have contributed to your learning about unconditional love, if any?
What do you think about the idea that we always are teaching what we think about ourselves and others by how we act?
What do you think about the idea that we have two basic choices about how we live our lives: teaching about the unconditional life of God or the conditional love of the world of the ego?
When, if ever, did you realize that you have a choice about what you learn based on what you teach?
Based on this lesson to what extent has your awareness been raised about your choices in what you want to learn and the influence in learning that by teaching.
If you believe in lies you are not free.